
Hello there! My name is acokumi, and I am currently working as a freelance hairstylist in Omotesando, Tokyo. Approximately 80% of my clients are foreigners, which has greatly enriched my experience and skills across various nationalities.

My interest in the beauty industry sparked when I was in middle school, obsessed with Harajuku fashion. My friends and I would create our own outfits, do each other’s makeup and hair, and have fun photo shoots. Those joyful experiences deepened my fascination with beauty, leading me to start working in a hair salon at the age of 16.

Eager to enhance my skills and able to style anyone’s hair, I ventured to Toronto, a melting pot of cultures. My journey continued in London, a city I had long admired, where I furthered my experience. After living abroad for about four years, I returned to Tokyo and worked at an international hair salon, assort, for eight years. Since November 2023, I embarked on a new journey as a freelance hairstylist.

Having conversed with my clients in English daily for approximately 12 years, I am confident in my communication skills. Through this blog, I hope to help solve your hair concerns and also share the wonderful aspects of Tokyo, especially around Omotesando, that I deeply adore.

I would be delighted if my blog could contribute even slightly to your beauty knowledge and enrich your life in Tokyo. I look forward to sharing my experiences and discoveries with you, hoping to provide valuable information.

Now, I have a question for all of you: “What are your hair concerns?” and “What topics would you like me to cover in my blog next?” I eagerly await your comments and feedback. Please feel free to share your thoughts. Thank you very much.

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